You need to find out if POWER is getting to the wiper motor.
There should be a WIPER fuse. Make sure it's good. If you can't tell, remove another fuse, like the headlight fuse and put the wiper fuse in it's place. Do the headlights come on? If so, that fuse is good...put it back in the wiper fuse spot.
The auto parts stores sell very inexpensive 12 volt electricity testers. Find the wiring harness and put one end of the tester to ground, then do a touch and go to each of the other wires, while the wiper switch is turned on. The light on the tester will come on when you get the correct wire.
If the wipers still don't work, the chances are that the wiper motor is bad. It could be that while the switch was bad, or shorted, that it burned that motor out.
Figure that for the few dollars that you spent on the tester was a good investment and paid for itself. You may find a garage that does "free
check-out" and they would do the testing for you and tell you what's going on. I'd be expecting that if power gets to the motor and it doesn't work, the motor is bad.
Salvage yards are a good, cheap place to find a replacement if the motor does test bad.