I am about to change the CTM because o fthe following. Auto started stalling,now it died and won`t start at all.Ihook up a scan tool but no communication error with CTM.I hear no noise from the fuel pump exceti when the black connector is disconnected from the CTM. No spark from coil. All crank,cam sensor have been changed.The thef light stays illuminated on the dash but it don`t blink.I am wondering if it`s the VTSS locking the CTM out. I did the spark test by applying power to the coil and it sparked.The auto crank but it won`t start. My last resort is the CTM about $300.00. How do I check to see if the CTM is defected if posible. Everthing elce work in the auto, light, door lock eaven the alarm go off when I set it and open the door. Also, the fuel guage don`t move when I turn the ignition on and the low fuel light comes on.